
Rajacenna interviewed by one of the highest-rated morning shows in the US 'Goodmorning America' which airs on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network. Rajacenna felt honored to have had the opportunity to be interviewed by GMA. ...

At his own request, the mayor of Vlaardingen, Bert Wijbenga, visited Rajacenna. With a bouquet of beautiful flowers he stepped into her art studio and took forty five minutes from his time to engage with her. He had seen her viral videos of her unique method...

https://www.rajacenna.com/media/waskanndermenschopkomst.mp4 The entrance of Rajacenna in the show "Was Kann Der Mensch". Despite having a major wound on the side of her foot because; Rajacenna did her entrance in the show with a big smile as ever. The production team bought her beautiful special high heels for...

Saturday the first episode of this new German TV-show will be broadcasted at 20:15u on ARD1 in Germany. The 'Was Kann Der Mensch'- show starts of with Rajacenna and the oddity of drawing and painting with feet at the same time. It was such fun for...

Rajacenna was guest in the FunX studio situated in Amsterdam at eight o'clock this early morning. She had a fun interview done by Fernando who was already very much awake. The ambiance in the studio was very positive, relaxed and cheerful. The whole interview is also...

The first new German Saturday night show of Was Kan Der Mensch / What are humans capable of - The Hirschhausen show premieres May 6th on WDR German TV. Doctor Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen wants to celebrate humans and their abilities. Showing spectacular top performances of...

‘Peering Woman’ original white pencil drawing on black paper is up for sale in Rajacenna’s Art Shop. This drawing was part of a 4 simultaneously drawing session which is filmed for a national TV news report about Rajacenna July 28, 2022. The contrast between black art...

Rajacenna on Live Australia TV...