
Rajacenna is welcomed as drawing/painting-star in the first new German Saturday night show of Was Kann Der Mensch / What are humans capable of – The Hirschhausen show which premiered on May 5th on Das Erste German TV.

Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen wants to celebrate humans and their abilities. Showing spectacular top performances of exceptional people, surprising talents and their fascinating achievements of the brain.

What top achievements are possible and why is that so? What happens in the brain when we draw with both hands simultaneously? How can people learn to speak backwards and even sing? How much is talent relevant and what what skills we are capable of.

Amidst a show-exhibition with 10 of Rajacenna’s artworks, she is surrounded by 8 dancers who provide her with all the necessary art materials to show the potential of body and mind, by coordinating multiple limbs.

About von Hirschhausen
Dr. Eckart studied medicine and graduated magna cum laude, was scientific journalist for Focus and Der Tagesspiegel.

Since 2004 he host many German scientific TV-shows and also presents strange news and facts from the world of scientific research.

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