
July 2012 – Rajacenna draws adcampagne for Mosarte Brasil

Rajacenna created the new campaign image for the Brazilian interior brand Mosarte.

 They asked her to make a photorealistic illustration of one of their interior designs and to film the whole process of drawing it. “Just as the designs of Mosarte, Rajacenna’s creations are handmade and created with passion, love and perfection,” said Mosarte.
It is not surprising that Dutch prodigy Rajacenna was asked to design for the famous Brazilian interior company Mosarte to illustrate. Rajacenna’s drawing skills global daily reach many people. Besides America, Australia, China and Russia, Brazil is one of the countries where she receives the most fan mail from.
Mosarte offers various interior formats to your home or business focus. Think living room, bathroom or office. Mosarte has several showrooms and 250 resellers in Brazil. One of the unique selling points of Mosarte is that all their designs are handmade and made with passion. Their new slogan, which they advertise the next three years, therefore reads “My Passion for Design”.
In the Brazilian magazine Caras, and also in other magazines, you can see a spread on one page with the hyper realistic illustration of Rajacenna and one spread with the picture of the original interior.  The title of the ad is “This design was done by hand and with great passion.” In the ad is a QR code which directs you to the site of Mosarte where you can see the video in which the whole illustration process of Rajacenna’s drawing is visible.