
February 22nd, the Blind Date Breakfast event with Sander’s Heart Hunters took place. At this breakfast event, Rajacenna, presenter Sander de Kramer and guitarist Willm Philipsen, tried to match people with a distance to labor market with employers with a social heart.

An hour after the kick-off of this social breakfast event, comparable to speed dating, but than only for employers and job seekers in the field of work, the first match already was in the pocket. Every round of introduction a bell rang and every job seeker got 20 minutes to talk to another employer. There were a total of

15 matches made and many follow-up agreements, which can lead to even more matches in the near future.

The mission of this already proven successful campaign is to help job seekers with disabilities to a job, so that they can develop their talents further.

Rajacenna and the other heart hunters: inform workovers about advantages on wage cost subsidy that can give those group of workers a little more space if needed.

Just as Rajacenna has special gifts, every person has unique talents that can be used in society and that is where the always positive artist wants to be a connecting factor. She herself knows all too well what it is like not being able to fully participate in society due to health problems.